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Primary Care Networks in Barking & Dagenham, Havering & Redbridge

Published on: Thursday, 01/09/2022 @ 15:03 hrs

Our GP practices have been working together for years through federations and networks. The NHS Long Term Plan and the five-year framework for the GP contract, make this more formal without creating new statutory bodies.

In practice, Primary Care Networks (PCNs) will build on the work already undertaken and the current services offered by GP practices. It will mean greater provision of proactive, personalised and coordinated care, as well as more integration between health and social care. This will provide clear benefits for patients and our communities.

Find out more about Primary Care Networks

In Barking & Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge (BHR), PCNs are based on GP registered lists and serve communities between 29,000 to 77,000. They are designed to still provide the personalised care valued by people in our community but be big enough to have impact and economies of scale through closer working. A strong primary care sector will serve as the bedrock of our health and social care system to help keep our communities healthier.

For details of the BHR PCNs, see here for Barking & Dagenham, here for Havering and here for Redbridge.

The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) supports PCNs to fund new roles to meet local population needs, including Social prescribing link workers, First contact physiotherapists, Community paramedics and Nursing associates. For further information visit the BHR CEPN Digital Training Hub.

See also the Primary Care Network Resource Guide.