The development of integrated and strategic approaches to commissioning that promote a ‘system’ model for the delivery of care.
Place-based care seeks to bring an end to fragmented and siloed services by removing the barriers to collaboration and integration so that communities experience seamless care. Place-based care requires local commissioners and leaders to promote and embed the skills our workforces need to work across professional, organisational and sector boundaries. BHR CEPN Training Hub’s primary aim is to support our local system in this regard.
The recently launched Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are the embodiment of place-based care at the neighbourhood level, providing the structure to bring all services together to meet the assessed needs of local communities through a multidisciplinary, collaborative workforce sourced from all local health and care providers.
Place-based care is considered particularly helpful in reducing the health inequalities experienced in our communities.
This is because health inequalities, and poor health outcomes in general, are caused by a wide array of circumstances, and the poor health outcomes are often a symptom and not a cause. So it’s important that local services including health, social care, public health, housing, environmental, employment, etc are enabled to ‘break down the barriers’ that often prevent them from coordinating their responses around the needs of individuals and communities.
For more information see:
NHS Five Year Forward View and
Defining Place Based Care.